These sacred herbs can support your rituals, spellwork, and daily practices to invite wealth, success, and flourishing opportunities.
Cinnamon – Fire & Fortune
A powerful catalyst for prosperity, cinnamon carries the warmth of the sun and the spark of manifestation. It accelerates intentions, attracts success, and clears stagnant energy.
Cinnamon Blowing Ritual for Abundance: On the first of the month or any auspicious day, hold a small pinch of cinnamon powder in your dominant hand. Step outside or near your front door, set your intention for wealth and success, and blow the cinnamon into your space, welcoming prosperity into your life.
Cinnamon Stick Charm: Tie a cinnamon stick with green or gold thread and carry it in your wallet or place it on your altar to continually attract abundance.
Bay Leaf – The Leaf of Manifestation
Used by seers and spellworkers for centuries, bay leaves amplify desires, bring clarity, and draw prosperity.
Bay Leaf Wish Spell: Write a financial goal or manifestation on a dried bay leaf. Hold it over a flame (safely in a fireproof dish) and visualize your wish taking form as the smoke carries your intention into the universe.
Peppermint – Refreshing Energy & Prosperous Flow
Bright and invigorating, peppermint clears blockages and keeps abundance flowing freely. It sharpens focus, enhances communication, and invites good fortune.
Prosperity Peppermint Tea: Steep peppermint leaves with a cinnamon stick and a bay leaf for a wealth-drawing tea. Drink it while focusing on your financial goals, visualizing doors of opportunity opening before you.
Use these herbs in your Ostara rituals, teas, and charms to welcome abundance in all forms—wealth, success, and the endless potential of spring’s renewal.
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